Let’s talk about having way too much to do but so little time!

No More Blank Pages
3 min readOct 13, 2021


Coping mechanisms when I am overwhelmed….

My brain has been running at a speed that I cannot handle physically or mentally. As I was exercising, I had a thought- why not give ourselves some physical exhaustion, so our brain can rest. Did it work? Not exactly, cause my brain paced up, taking me to a place that I was trying to avoid, and then I had to calm myself down by asking myself to take deep breaths. It kinda works, well not every time, but it works. You know, sometimes I get so conscious of breathing that I have to remind myself to breathe like if I didn’t, I wouldn’t breathe. Then it makes me wonder that if I sleep, I would actually stop breathing because I won’t be conscious about my breathing. Once again, now that we have given a depressing start to our blog, let’s dive into our main topic.

The average life expectancy in India is 69.66 years. Almost 70 years of torture. I know it sounds too much, but it actually isn’t. 70 years are nothing compared to the good stuff this world has to offer. With all those books, movies, animes, travel destinations, web series, music, you can’t possibly do everything in your one lifetime. And that is when the confusion arises, leading us to complications. Life, which was supposed to be simple, is now full of complexities since we don’t know where to find meaning in it.

I don’t think I’m even looking anymore….

It would be so fun to be an archeologist, getting to dig up ancient corpses all around the world. But what if I could be a psychology major and interview a serial killer for a research project. I can also flex being a mathematics major. I mean, it sounds really cool. I could even be a writer. Imagine penning down anything and everything that comes to your mind. I can be a doctor, like what could be better than the pleasure of saving lives. Plenty of choices, but not enough time to explore. And that is when you realize how we complicate our lives trying to do everything and still missing everything. We are never satisfied, and we’ll never be. We’re so obsessed with wanting more that we forget to cherish what we already have. If I see back in time, I am exactly where I wanted to be, but I am not happy. It’s not bad wanting more, but obsession can never be good.

A little??????

What is stopping us from doing everything that we want to do? I guess it’s the fear of regrets. We want to do things, but we don’t want regrets. We don’t want mistakes because we think life’s too short to make mistakes. We’re afraid of falling in love, trying new things, taking breaks because life’s “too short.” Everything has to be perfect. But think about it, you probably won’t remember a thing after you die, and even if you do (since we are not exactly sure of life after death), it won’t matter cause you’re dead. I guess the problem lies in the way we are raised. At least here, mistakes and risks are not appreciated. We are raised to be cowards and to choose the easier way out. That’s such a dull way of living. What’s the point in having all this wonderful/dangerous/exciting stuff around you if you can’t enjoy it?


So, what do we learn from this pep talk? That people would say/write anything to make themselves feel better. Yup, I am people….



No More Blank Pages

“My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables