Let’s talk about expectations!

No More Blank Pages
3 min readFeb 2, 2021


Expectation- ‘Mathematically, known as the product of the probability of an event occurring.’

Since my exam syndrome is back and I do not expect any good results this time, why not share my thoughts on random stuff with the world (my guilty pleasure at the moment). And what’s better than writing a blog while attending your online classes! With no expectations whatsoever, let’s get started.

I have my exam soon. So, I come across this feeling of having expectations a lot. There are things that I expect from myself and, there are things that people expect from me. I often get to hear things like, ‘We believe in you,’ ‘You can do it,’ ‘If you can’t, then no one else can,’…. Though it motivates me, it also instills fear of failing. I believe that failure is not a bad thing, but I am still scared of it. I am scared of not living up to people’s expectations. I do not want to be a disappointment to the people I love. Moreover, I do not want to be disappointed in myself.

These expectations made me choose science over arts, made me take JEE coaching. I failed miserably there. These expectations resulted in my diminished confidence because failure is taboo in our society. Yes, I did get into one of the best colleges in India but that, only raised people’s expectations. It’s a never-ending thing. You achieve a milestone and, the bar is raised higher. The more you achieve, the higher it goes. And somewhere in the process, you will lose your peace of mind. I still remember one of my father’s friends, suggesting that I should go for UPSC when I was in the eighth standard. I still get that a lot. People also suggest that I should apply abroad for my higher studies because “they believe that I can do it!” Expectations you know.

I am not saying that it is bad to have expectations. Expectations can make you excel and be successful in life. But just like everything else, expectations should be realistic. Not meeting your expectations can damage you more when compared to the amount of happiness that you will get if you meet your expectations.

Expectation is a strong belief that something should happen. And whenever we are using the words like- ‘should,’ ‘would,’ or ‘could,’ we must be prepared for some unpredicted events. Having a strong belief in the future is the epitome of stupidity. That’s the reason we get hurt when things don’t go as we imagined. Even in relationships, expectations play the part of the devil. People give more importance to expectations than communication. BOOM! Your relationship is doomed (be it friendship or whatever you're thinking about right now).

So, finally, my advice to you is to have ambitions, do hard work or smart work (whatever you prefer), and let your work decide your fate, not your expectations.



No More Blank Pages

“My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables