Let’s talk about a time when people specifically ask you not to do something, but you love effing up your life!

No More Blank Pages
3 min readApr 1, 2021


A blog inspiration from an anime.

So, I can say that I kinda watched my first and most probably the last anime today. With all the good suggestions in the world that I got from people, I decided to watch the one, which no one should ever recommend to anyone (not even to the person you hate). I’m not an anime fan. I haven’t watched a single episode, at least not until today. Then how did I get to know about that particular anime? Well, my Instagram reels were filled with that anime content, and as you know, “Curiosity kills the cat,” my curious ass thought it couldn’t be that bad. Let me tell you that it was the worst. And it’s coming from a person who has great endurance for shit. Not saying that the storyline was shitty, but it’s not something that you would like to watch if you’re alive and still breathing or even when you’re dead. I could give some details about it, but it’s way too easy to google stuff now, and I don’t want to ruin anyone’s life. I mean the world is full of curious asses like me. I am pretty sure that there are animes worth watching, just not that one. I watched something gruesome today and wanted to give a detailed explanation, but since I am a “very nice” person, I will not. The thing that made it a regret to watch, was the fact that it may be an animation, but it was very close to reality, and reality is never a pleasure.

Curiosity can mess you up, a big-time!

The anime belonged to the horror genre, and I guess that is why I wanted to watch it because horror can never be bad. I have a thing for horror movies, series, books, or anything that can be related to it. Just like my love for supernatural stuff. I recently completed watching six seasons of Grimm, and I still can’t get enough of it. Why do I like these genres? Because it’s a few of those things that aren’t real but I would love them to be real. Maybe that is why I love rom-coms too. I mean wouldn’t it be nice to fall in love with your best friend’s elder brother/sister or him/her falling for you (don’t mind the pronouns) and then having a secret relationship with them. In the end, they get into Harvard, and now you’re applying to the same college ditching your plans with your bff. Or you can write letters to your crushes that your sister will end up mailing, and that is how you find your true love and be in a cute relationship. Life goals, right! Coming to the horror part, wouldn’t it be nice to have a vengeful spirit in your house that scares the shit out of you, giving some meaning to your monotonous life. I mean the moon and the cat are doing just fine but adding a little spice wouldn’t hurt. Now, Damon Salvatore or Nick Burkhardt come right in between this spectrum of rom-coms to horror. A cute relationship with a few horrors. Just perfect!

So finally, I am done writing to forget something I saw today and it worked. Not completely but it would do the job. A friendly reminder-

Be curious but not too much!



No More Blank Pages

“My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables